The distribution landscape consolidates

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Each distribution typology has its own specific identity, conveyed by distinctive characteristics that allow it to maintain greater competitiveness in its market space. In particular, food generalists and specialized pet shops (now identifiable as traditional shops, local and national chains, and, finally, large-scale retail pet shops) have different ways of managing their offer and propose diversified assortments that correspond to the specific needs and priorities of consumers.
Generalist stores offer customers the typical advantages of this channel, which consists of promotions, practicality, speed, and convenience of purchase. From an assortment point of view, they offer a wider range than Pet shop in the medium price range, albeit with an important and growing presence in the premium range.
From an assortment point of view, independent specialized store has a wider range in the premium/super-premium segment. It offers customers (often high spenders) specific and functional products that respond to differentiated needs, such as dietetic foods or foods ‘for particular nutritional purposes’ designed to meet particular dietary needs, most often connected to some pathologies. These references are purchased on the advice of the veterinarian. The added value of this channel is its high level of specialization as well as the consultancy service offered, both with regard to nutrition and hygiene products, which make it possible to best spread products with greater added value.
The territorial or national chains, which have now been joined by the specialized stores of large-scale distribution, combine the opportunity deriving from the high specialization of the independent stores, with a sales dimension more similar to the generalist ones, with regard to assortment and display management.
It is interesting to look at the trend in the average number of references (and the change compared to 2021), within the individual types. All the protagonists of the specialized stores offer a wide and deep assortment, particularly aimed at functional products and dietetic foods. Undoubtedly they are competitors who boast the greatest assortment control and a greater incidence in terms of innovation than the generalist ones. In terms of numbers, these stores offer a choice of more than two thousand references: double that of any hypermarket and about 7x the offer of an average supermarket.